Town Office

Rebecca Rice, Town Clerk

Linda McGuire, Treasurer

Transfer Station

The use of the Shrewsbury Transfer Station is limited to legal residents and/or owners of dwellings or businesses in the Town of Shrewsbury, Town of Shrewsbury or Shrewsbury School District owned entities and Shrewsbury non-profit organizations.

Those eligible shall be issued a numbered sticker.  Each sticker will be available by direct application to the Town Clerk, with a record kept of the number assigned to each applicant, name and address of applicant, record of vehicle registration to which the sticker will be affixed and date issued.  The sticker shall be affixed to the bottom right corner of the windshield of the registered vehicle.  Additional numbered stickers, after two, will be available for purchase when requested. Admission to the Shrewsbury Transfer Station shall only be by vehicles displayed a valid numbered Shrewsbury Transfer Station sticker issued by the Town of Shrewsbury.

The town of Shrewsbury has adopted a Variable Rate Pricing Ordinance to comply with Vermont’s Act 148-the Universal Recycling Law.


Wednesdays — 12:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.
Sunday — 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


130 Mountain School Road

Shrewsbury, Vermont

Punch Cards

Punch cards are available through the Town Clerk’s office or Pierce’s Store. $10 and $20 punch cards are available.

$1 for 13 gallon bag (1 punch)

$2 for 30 gallon bag (2 punches)

$4 for 55-gallon or contractor bag (4 punches)

$2 – trash in a 30 gallon toter (2 punches)

Attendant may determine number of punches.

Truckloads of unbagged debris will not be accepted.

They can also be obtained by mail from the Town Office. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with a check made payable to the Town of Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury, Vermont 05738. Punch cards are NOT available for sale at the Transfer Station.

Recycling Information

The following materials are RECYCLED for FREE. Please sort them into the proper containers.


Put in Reading Room


Energy Saving (curly) Lights – Place under glass table

Fluorescent lights – Place in Bay #2

Cardboard and Boxboard

Corrugated Cardboard – wavy center

Boxboard – pantry food boxes (cereal/pasta) – Remove linder

Pizza boxes – without food residue

NO egg cartons


Seven or fewer Computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, printers, cell phones, vacuum cleaners (must remove dirt bag), microwaves, sewing machines, and peripherals are accepted at the facility for FREE from any Vermont resident. Please speak with Transfer Station Attendant for further information.

Food Scraps

All food scraps are accepted free of charge.


Glass is collected and crushed using the Town’s glass crusher.  Crushed glass is available for town road projects and is available to residents at no charge.

Leaf and Yard Debris

Leaves, grass clippings, branches, and wood chips are accepted.  Other options –  start a pile and compost at home.

Metal Containers

Aerosol cans (empty and remove caps)

Aluminum, aluminum foil, tin cans (no food debris)

Steel, copper, tin, etc.

Washers, dryers, stoves, BBQ grills

At least 80 percent metal


Bay #2

Egg Cartons (NOT plastic or styrofoam)

Phone Books (or put in mixed paper)

Shredded paper

Packing peanuts

Bubble Wrap

Paper Products

Bay #4

Newspapers with inserts

White and Cream Colored Paper

White Envelopes with or without windows

Mixed and colored paper including magazines, catalogues, brown paper bags, phone books, manilla folders, and construction paper


#1-#7.    Rinse and flatten when possible.

No Styrofoam

No plastic grocery bags or lawn furniture

No plastic wrap (i.e. Saran Wrap)

No tubing or maple sugaring lines

No motor oil containers

Printer and Toner Cartridges

Accepted in Reading Room

Returnable Bottles and Cans

Bay #2

Reusable Items

Reading Room – At the discretion of the Transfer Station Attendant, items suitable for reuse can be left for others to pick up.

Fee Schedule

This information is subject to change at any time as the requirements of Act 148 continue to impact the Town’s disposal costs and options. Please check with the Attendant for current pricing and space availability before bringing large amounts of material for disposal.

Item Fee
13 gallon trash bag 1 punch or $1.00
30 gallon trash bag 2 punches or $2.00
32 gallon GARBAGE CAN (doesn’t need to be bagged) 2 punches or $2.00
60 gallon trash bag (contractor bag) 4 punches or $4.00
*When necessary, attendant will determine number of punches 3
*Truckloads of unbagged debris will not be accepted. 5
*Trash and/or recyclables are not accepted from commercial haulers
 Under emergency conditions, the Selectboad or Road Commissioner are authorized to allow special access.
 A record shall be kept of the person’s allowed special access and the material deposited.
Propane and gasoline Construction and demolition debris
Appliances with freon (Hubbard Brothers accepts these items for a fee Tires
Pesticides, weed killers, fertilizers Anti-freeze, hydraulic fluid, pool chemicals
Latex and oil based paint Wood preservatives and solvents